Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Life has been pretty crazy for the past few weeks. We went to Virigina to celebrate Christmas with my dad, we have already celebrated with Kevin's family and tomorrow night is Christmas with my mom. Plus Emma has pretty much stayed sick ever since Ava was born. She finally has her appt with the gastric dr next week. I can't not wait to find out what she has an allergy to so that we can move on. Everyday is so fun with her. She is learning new words daily. I will starting counting to her so that she knows that she is about to get in trouble and little Miss Smarty pants chimes in. I will say one and she smiles and goes "two". Ava is growing up so fast. It is hard to believe that she is already two months old. She is sleeping through the night and is even trying to pull herself up when she is lying on her back.

EmmAva Photography is going good. November was a crazy month for EmmAva. I had beach sessions, Christmas tree sessions and even several other family sessions. I am caught up on everything and I am going to enjoy taking a few days off from everything this week.

We usually go to Atlanta on Christmas to see Kevin's grandmother. This year we aren't going. She can't handle large crowds anymore without it wearing her out and making her sick. So we are going to space out the times that we go up. Kevin's mom will be there for Christmas adn then a few weeks later we will head up there so that she can meet Ava. This will be our first year that we don't have any plans for Christmas and I love it. I am so excited to stay at home in my pjs watching Emma play with all her toys that Santa brings. We are going to watch Christmas movies all day and just take it easy. I am so excited.

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