Sunday, April 5, 2009

What's been going on!

I know I am a bad blogger...I am trying to get better. This has been a crazy few weeks and still have a few more coming. We dedicated Ava at the beach on March 28th. It is the same place that we had Emma dedicated. And it was nice that Kevin's dad was able to do it. Then we had a garage sale...I am cleaning up and cleaning out. Then we have Easter..then Emma's 2nd birthday...and then we are taking her to the zoo and the aquarium in Atlanta for her birthday..then I have pint size on May 2nd. So I am busy busy busy on Saturdays. But I am having fun doing it all. I have had a lot of new business with the photography lately. I am excited. Last week I got to photograph a beautiful baby girl that was 2months old and her parents. Yesterday I met with a future wedding client and then today I had some Easter pics to shoot. My hardest client is Emma. She never wants to have her pictures taken. It took me a good hour today to get a decent shot for her birthday invite. Oh they grow up so fast. Ava is going on 6months and she is crawling...she needs to slow down. Ok I should head to bed since tomorrow is back to work. Here are a few recent pics that I have taken.

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